文章来源:淘论文网   发布者: 毕业设计   浏览量: 32

[EFQRCode]    [extension]    [UIImage]    [create]    [EFQRCode - An extension for UIImage to create and scan QRC]   



An extension for UIImage to create and scan QRCode, in Swift.



To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


XCode 8.0+

Swift 3.0+


EFQRCode is available through CocoaPods. To install
it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'EFQRCode', '~> 1.0.0'Use1. Import EFQRCode module where you want to use it:import EFQRCode2. Get QR Codes from UIImage, maybe there are several codes in a image, so it will return an array:if let testImage = UIImage(named: 'test.png') { let codes = testImage.toQRCodeString() if codes.count > 0 { print('There are \(codes.count) codes in testImage.') for (index, code) in codes.enumerated() { print('The content of \(index) QR Code is: \(code).') } } else { print('There is no QR Codes in testImage.') } }

This can be also written as this:

if let testImage = UIImage(named: 'test.png') { let codes = EFQRCode.GetQRCodeString(From: testImage) if codes.count > 0 { print('There are \(codes.count) codes in testImage.') for (index, code) in codes.enumerated() { print('The content of \(index) QR Code is: \(code).') } } else { print('There is no QR Codes in testImage.') } }3. Create QR Code image:// QRCodeString: Content of QR Code // size (Optional): Width and height of image // inputCorrectionLevel (Optional): error-tolerant rate // L 7% // M 15% // Q 25% // H 30% // iconImage (Optional): icon in the middle of QR Code Image // iconImageSize (Optional): Width and height of iconif let tryImage = UIImage(QRCodeString: 'what the hell.', size: 200, inputCorrectionLevel: .m, iconImage: UIImage(named: 'eyrefree'), iconImageSize: 10.0) { print('Create QRCode image success!') } else { print('Create QRCode image failed!') }

This can be also written as this:

if let tryImage = EFQRCode.CreateQRCodeImage(With: 'what the hell.', size: 200, inputCorrectionLevel: .m, iconImage: UIImage(named: 'eyrefree'), iconImageSize: 10.0) { print('Create QRCode image success!') } else { print('Create QRCode image failed!') }Author

EyreFree, eyrefree@eyrefree.org


EFQRCode is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.





[EFQRCode]    [extension]    [UIImage]    [create]    [EFQRCode - An extension for UIImage to create and scan QRC]   

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下载地址: http://www.taolw.com/down/7687.docx
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